Monday, 24 August 2015

We Bear Bears - First Look Review

'We Bare Bears' is a Cartoon Network produced cartoon (Based on the webcomic The Three Bare Bears) following the adventures of three bears living in a cave in San Francisco.

   Overview: The three bears are Grizzly (Eric Edelstein) the grizzly bear, Panda (Bobby Moynihan) the panda and Ice Bear (Demetri Martin) the... polar bear, who are all apparently brothers despite being different subspecies of bear (backstories still pending)
   Grizzly is the somewhat leader of the trio, being the most outspoken and sociable (even though his efforts are usually invading other peoples personal events)
   Panda is a social media nut, almost constantly on his phone ("Be careful with this please, it is my life and soul in rectangular form."), updating his status' and trying to get a date with 'internet girls'
   Ice Bear is... quiet. He doesn't say much, only really speaking when he finds it truly necessary.

   The plots are pretty simple, most being a simple Bears trying to achieve a goal - One of the bears has an idea - Idea goes awry - The bears attempt to make it better but end up making it worse - Everything ends happily.

In depth (contains light spoilers): 

As of 20th August 2015, 9 episodes have been released. How many ones have I watched, you ask me?
 ...Eh, it's the only gif I could find in short notice so... uh...have some cheering bears

But seriously, this show is really good.

When I wrote the above synopsis, I hadn't seen all the episodes yet, and the episode immediately afterwards was 'Burrito'. INSTANT BOMBSHELL! Grizzly as a cub stuck up a tree in a thunderstorm, trying to be rescued by a team of firemen. No explanation, no shown consequences and no other backstory info.
   Just the knowledge that at least one of the bears have a tragic backstory and the image of a STUPIDLY CUTE BEAR CUB CLINGING TO A FIREMAN'S ARM.

And knowing the reason Grizzly became so attached to that burrito was because of a deep buried longing for comfort from his apparent parental abandonment.

feels animated GIF
I can't wait to see what new BOMBSHELL these goddamn bears will give us next, but I am hoping for a backstory for Ice Bear (my personal favourite of the three!). I hope my headcanon (that his real name is actually Polar) is confirmed...

Overall, I give the first ten episodes of We Bare Bears:

4 out of five stars!

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